Just exactly how much mangosteen is in a bottle of XanGo?
One can infinitely ponder this question, search diligently for an answer all over the internet, however, the quantity is to remain a secret. I can certainly understand protecting a proprietary formula but there is no conceivable basis for not revealing quantity of the much sought after main ingredient, unless of course the quantity of main ingredient would appear insufficient to the amount spent by the consumer.
Since the company in its literature encourages a healthy individual to drink 3 oz. per day and someone with an illness to drink somewhere in the range of 3 oz., 3 times per day to as much as one bottle per day, I thought I would break down the cost needed to experience health benefits.
Let's assume you are healthy and let's assume you have paid the fee to purchase at wholesale cost ($30.00) and have committed to monthly autoship of this product. And since most people do not live alone and would like to benefit the health of their spouse and (let's say) two children, I will calculate a family's expense. (I am going to ignore the fact that their business building CD boasts that children love the taste so much you can't stop them from drinking the stuff and imagine the children are limited to drinking 1 oz. per day.) Now let's assume two healthy adults and two healthy children need to purchase a one month supply. Each bottle contains 25 servings.
According to company recommendations, they would need about 10 bottles per month. Cost after shipping and tax would be approximately $300.00.
It would be tolerable to imagine that after having spent $300.00 per month, you have no other additional nutritional needs. You do not need to concern yourself with a pure water supply, an excellent multi-vitamin, minerals, proteins and amino acids, quality food, monthly fee to belong to a gym, etc., to assist you in achieving optimal health. Antioxidants are very important, however, they are not the total picture.
At this point I would like to explain that I once was a XanGo distributor and I am quite familiar with everything the company literature and one's upline is encouraging distributors to do and say in order to sell this juice. The product is excellent when you consume enough of it. I liked it for the energy and sense of well-being. But you know, I receive the same benefits from AMiGo Juice Powder as received from XanGo and then some. Because not only do I receive 500 mg. of mangosteen (this is 10 to 20 times more than what is estimated to be in a serving of XanGo and if this esimate is wrong, I encourage a representative of XanGo to come forward and demonstrate otherwise!) but it also contains 500 mg. of goji and 500 mg. of Açaí, two other excellent superfoods with their own set of health benefits. The cost just happens to break down to about $30.00 per month for myself and about another $30.00 per month for both my husband and son (totaling $60.00). One container of AMiGO Juice Powder holds 90 servings and wholesale is $29.95 per container when purchased in a group of four or $49.95 when purchased as a single container. Shipping of four containers is a mere $6.00! Your commitment as a rep is only $10.00 to join and monthly autoship of one container priced at $49.95 and you are now eligible to receive full compensation through all levels of the pay plan. XanGo's requirement is two cases on autoship, totaling $240.00 per month (after shipping and tax)!
AMiGO Health's ability to produce a quality product in a powder form for substantially less (and they did this by cutting out the middleman) is an extraordinary achievement for the many people out there with health challenges who would like to address it by using a multi-functional health beverage rich in antioxidants. Hey, if you've got money to burn and just love the taste of the proprietary formula of XanGo, enjoy! I truly believe there is room for success for all and have no doubt many will continue to enjoy their drink of choice regardless of cost. But I am on a budget and nearly everyone I know is on a budget.
XanGo as a business was a dismal failure for me. After months of throwing money at marketing material, leads, long distance charges, and product, I was getting no where. A few distributors were placed in my downline but dropped off autoship within a few months.
My XanGo peers told me I just needed to buy more marketing material, talk to more people each day, produce better follow-up, get on more company conference calls, and purchase more leads. I am embarrassed to admit that I worked it for quite some time, spent a great deal of money on marketing materials and company specific leads and, eventually, I believed something else. At that point, I was not comfortable talking to a woman facing retirement and fixed income, looking to build an income stream and attempt to convince her to spend $240.00 per month for the "opportunity" to make money in the future because it was not happening for me and I knew how hard I was working at it!
You are taught that perseverance is the key to success, however, with AMiGO I have spent almost zero on marketing, purchased no leads, and quickly created a great team of individuals and I am not going broke stocking product!
Another matter which disturbed me was the number of XanGo bottles being sold on eBay at any given hour of the day. This would lead one to surmise that some distributors were getting rid of their surplus each month and instead looking to make money on their dowline. According to the company this is not allowed but it is not too difficult to sell your bottles off to a third party who sells on eBay and not get caught by the company. You can also buy product for below wholesale from numerous online stores. Most disturbing is the need to take a loss on the sale as the product is often priced at less than wholesale cost.
I recently came across an article posted on one of my favorite websites for health, NewsTarget.com about purchasing quality mangosteen. The article felt like an advertisement for XanGo but read like an urgent news article as Gordon Morton, co-founder and CMO of XanGo, told consumers to stick to whole fruit products. He states, "Unless companies can be consistently honest in labeling the use of whole fruits, the entire industry --including honest companies that use whole fruits have the right to indicate that aspect on their labels -- may suffer from a dishonest reputation." The article ends with a statement from health advocates "urging consumers to use only superfruit products that contain whole fruits, as the whole fruit is responsible for its health benefits -- not just its pulp. Many so called superfuit juice products are also made primarily with pear and apple juices, not the juices of the superfruit. Read the ingredients labels to get the facts."
How can they seriously tell us to read the ingredient labels to get the facts when quantity of the main ingredient is not revealed? In the interest of helping disclose what is in XanGo, their ingredient list is as follows: Reconstituted garcinia mangostana juice from whole fruit, apple juice concentrate, pear juice concentrate, grape juice concentrate, pear puree, blueberry juice concentrate, raspberry juice concentrate, strawberry juice concentrate, cranberry juice concentrate, cherry juice concentrate, citric acid, natural flavor, pectin, xanthan gum, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate.
Now that is a lot of different juices, 9 to be exact! I note pear and apple in there as well. XanGo is a very tasty juice, there is no doubt about it, and the mangosteen is an incredible fruit with high antioxidant value. However, I believe one should get a little bit more bang for their buck. I also take issue with the statement concerning its need to be consumed as nature intended it...after previously insisting on the juice being made from whole fruit! Also, it is worth noting that the xanthones are present in the pericarp and the whole fruit does not offer much additional value. What with all those different juices one wonders exactly how much mangosteen can fit into that 1 oz. serving!
Now let us consider the ingredients of AMiGO Juice Powder:
500 mg. of mangosteen pericarp
500 mg. of goji fruit
500 mg. of acai fruit
evaporated organic cane juice powder, fruit and vegetable juice powder (for color), citric acid, xanthum gum, natural flavors, soy lecithin, citrus pectin, stevia
Quantity is revealed, it is all natural, no chemicals used in the formula or during the processing, no need for pasteurization and no preservatives. The process by which the fruit is extracted is of the highest quality. (Read one of my previous posts if interested in learning more about cryogenic freeze drying.)
Sometimes it is as much about quantity as it is about quality. In fact, let's enjoy both, toss in great value, and enjoy one tasty drink in AMiGO Juice!
For more information continue here.