Saturday, August 05, 2006

MANGOSTEEN: The Power of Xanthones

The mangosteen pericarp is comprised of two important components: (1) the beneficial antioxidants; and (2) the health properties of xanthones. (Xanthones are biologically active compounds more powerful than any other form of antioxidant.)

Please review the following function claims associated with the mangosteen pericarp:

· Rich source of xanthones
· Anti-inflammatory
· Prevents hardening of the arteries (Athlerosclerosis)
· Protects the heart muscle (Cardio)
· Anti-Parkinson, Anti-Alzheimer and other forms of dementia
· Anti-depressant – gives sense of well being
· Anti-fungal properties
· Prevents bacterial infections
· Anti-viral properties
· Effective against skin disorders such as dermatitis, infections from wounds, ringworm, acne, etc.
· Helps prevent gum disease
· Anti-diarrheal
· Lowers fevers
· Helps prevent glaucoma and cataracts
· Whole body health (paystemic)
· Provides energy
· Anti-aging by promoting whole body health
· Reported to help with weight loss
· Lowers blood fat (anti-lipidemic)
· Anti-tumor benefits
· Lowers blood pressure
· Helps stabilize blood sugar levels

Mangosteen has compounds with antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-tumor activity. Laboratory testing thus far indicates that extracts of mangosteen have activity against several cancer cell lines including breast, liver, and leukemia. Mangosteen also appears to have anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory properties. Most notably, the mangosteen provides powerful anti-inflammatory benefits which play an important role in numerous health conditions, including Alzheimer's disease; allergic diseases; breast cancer; colon cancer; Crohn's disease; celiac disease; degenerative arthritis; heart disease; hypoglycemia; Parkinson's disease.

For hundreds of years, the people of Southeast Asia have used the mangosteen, especially the rind, to ward off and treat infections, reduce pain or control fever, and treat various other ailments.

Most of the studies with mangosteen have focused on the pericarp, or the dark, woody rind as opposed to the fruit inside the woody rind. The pericarp contains the active xanthone compounds. The fruit itself probably has some beneficial compounds but the compounds within the mangosteen fruit have not been studied as well as the mangosteen rind.

Several compounds in mangosteen appear to be active, particularly xanthones. Some of these xanthones include mangostin, mangostenol, mangostenone A, mangostenone B, trapezifolixanthone, tovophyllin B, alpha- and beta-mangostins, garcinone B, mangostinone, mangostanol, and the flavonoid epicatechin.

There are numerous studies available for review at Just enter the word "mangosteen" to access a list.

Continue here for more information.

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